Write Your Heart Out: Self Expression to cope with grief, loss, trauma, & stress

The W.H.O. recently reported COVID-19 pandemic has caused a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide and called for all countries to step up mental health services and support. Additionally, the coronavirus and the public health measures designed to prevent its spread have been shown to have had a profound negative effect on many young people. Writing and poetry are powerful tools to help process and cope not only with COVID-19 effects, but also for helping those dealing with grief, loss, trauma, and stress management in general. Yet, children, teens, and the adults in their lives often avoid writing because they think they aren’t a “good writer”. Attend this workshop to help them learn tools to overcome that negative self-talk barrier. Apply the research about free-form writing to help children and teens have a positive impact on healing and the immune system. In this interactive lecture/discussion, experiential, and personal reflection workshop, we will explore and experience poetry and written activities. Caring professionals can use the activities to help families process their grief and trauma, improve coping, and prevent stress & burnout.

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