Multiverse of Grief | My Graphic Novel Companion Facilitation Guide

Multiverse of Grief | My Graphic Novel Companion Facilitation Guide

Multiverse of Grief | My Graphic Novel Resource

Starting a Spanish Program Guide

Teen Do and Don’t poster from teens

Adolescente haz esto y no hagas esto

Teen Grief Journal Sample

Diario de duelo para adolescentes muestra

Rebuilding & Reengaging: School-Based Grief Support Post Pandemic

Data and Evaluation Training Series: Program Evaluation Basics

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This session is part of the Data and Evaluation Training Series, to view the other sessions:

Session 1: Data Basics
This session –  Session 2: Program Evaluation Basics
Session 3: Theory of Change
Session 4: Program Evaluation Planning


Given limited resources and stretched capacity, data collection procedures and program evaluation strategies at the individual program level often fall short in terms of identifying gaps in service, areas for growth, and program impact. Today, philanthropic giving demands a quantifiable return on investment in exchange for donations and grants. Combining nearly 20 years of experience in designing bereavement-focused evaluation protocols with the power of the CBEM, with philanthropic support provided by the New York Life Foundation and in collaboration with the National Alliance for Children’s Grief (NACG), Judi’s House/JAG Institute offers a series of free trainings to share best practices in data collection and program evaluation. This workshop on Evaluation Basics will provide key information on what evaluation is and how participants can begin evaluating their programs. Presenters will discuss the purpose of evaluation, how it helps organizations in reaching goals, and why it’s important. The workshop will outline the two basic types of evaluation, what questions they answer, and what considerations should be made as organizations begin to evaluate. Presenters will review the core steps in conducting evaluation so participants will walk away with clear next steps for how to integrate evaluation into practice.

Partnering with Schools to Support Grieving Children

To access documents provided by the presenters click HERE and HERE.


Extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures and during the pandemic, OUR HOUSE had to pivot several times to meet the urgent need for grief support services in our heavily impacted community. Since 1997 we have provided school-based grief support groups in the second largest district in the nation but found ourselves needing to find new ways to do this first virtually and then when schools reopened Fall 2021 with stringent safety measures for providers coming on campus. In addition, we were tasked with finding ways to support grieving school professionals and equip them to support the students on their campuses within the scope of their roles. In this workshop we will share lessons learned building relationships with school districts, designing evidence-based curricula, supporting grieving school faculty and equipping school mental health clinicians with tools to use in school-based counseling sessions with grieving children. We will also look at the needs of volunteers leaning on staff while readjusting to the demands of providing grief support services in the pandemic and beyond.