The NACG is here to help

Note from NACG to the Visitor

The death of a family member, friend, or other significant person is a lifelong loss for children. It can be challenging to parents and caregivers to know what to do for, what to say to and how to help children who are obviously hurting. These resources were created to support you as you support them.


The Family Portal is made possible from the support of Dignity Memorial. For Dignity Memorial providers, there is no greater honor than helping to remember a life lived. Serving families and comforting those who grieve is our passion, our commitment, and a shared purpose with the National Alliance for Children’s Grief. As leaders in the funeral profession and proud partners of the National Alliance for Children’s Grief, this Family Portal is dedicated to all the children we have served, and all of those we will serve in the future.

I’m supporting a child who is grieving. Where do I start?

How can I support my child during funerals and memorials?

How do I support my child in school?

How can I support my child during the holidays?

Frequently asked questions by other caregivers.

Start Here Resources

Talking to children about death and dying (GriefTalk)

Talking to a Child or Teen to let them know someone has died

Supporting a Friend who is Grieving

Supporting Children of All Abilities Who Are Grieving (Activity Book)

Supporting Children of All Abilities Who Are Grieving (Toolkit)

Funerals and Memorials

If you are supporting a family who is grieving, these resources were created to help you provide compassionate support for the funeral and memorial services.

Children and End of Life Memorials and Rituals

Incluyendo a los niños en el rituales y conmemoraciones al final de la vida

Creating Space for Children in a Funeral Home

Grieving While in School

If you are supporting a student who is grieving, these resources were created to equip you in supporting the child but also advocating for them with school representatives.

Supporting a Student who is Grieving: A Resource Guide for Educators

The Rights of a Student who is Grieving

Talking to a Child or Teen to let them know someone has died

Grieving Through the Holidays

NACG Holiday Toolkit (in English)

Herramientas de NACG para la Temorad Festiva
(en Español)

Need additional resources or local support?

There are a range of resources available in our resource library as well as a searchable directory to find support in your community. Visit these tabs to access our full suite of resources.

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