Compassionate Leadership | Non-Member Registration


This is for a Non-NACG Member registration. Please select whether you would like Continuing Education (CE) Credits included. The link to complete registration will be sent via Order Confirmation email once payment is submitted.

Guest Registration without CEs – $45
Guest Registration with CEs – $60

Become a NACG member for just $100 per year and get access to this webinar for free, plus monthly webinars with CEs on current topics to support you in your work, discounts on educational events, access to all webinar playbacks, and more!

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Compassionate leadership shines a light on strengths-oriented, wellness-centered, trauma-informed practices as the foundation for our communications and organizational culture. This workshop will explore interpersonal and organizational strategies to enhance workplace wellness and collaboration, including leadership styles and how they impact our work, ideas for constructively giving and receiving feedback, and how to build a culture of team and gratitude. Participants will walk away shored up with ideas for moving in and through potentially difficult conversations with increased clarity and effectiveness.


Additional information

CE Credits:

No CEs, CEs Included