Gender & Sexuality: Awareness & Responsiveness

Gender & Sexuality: Awareness & Responsiveness


This training provides healthcare professionals with the necessary skills to offer more mindful, resourceful, and inclusive support to their clients. There is a focus on the intersectionality of biological sex, gender, and sexuality as it pertains to identity development. We will also explore the necessity of trauma-informed care as it relates to the clinical implications of marginalization, and how we can utilize our positions to create safer spaces for our clients.

Motherless Daughters and the Long Arc of Grief: How Women’s Stories of Early Loss Evolve Over Time

Living Well in the Face of Death: A Conversation with Hospice and Palliative Care Physician B.J. Miller

Translating the Unique Needs of Grieving Young Adults Into Effective Support Group Services

Supporting Children and Families Impacted by Murder

Peer Deaths: Supporting Students Grieving within the context of Racial Trauma & during COVID-19

*This playback is available to active NACG Members Only.

After a Suicide: Helping Children, Adolescents, and Teens

Maneras de apoyar a un niño que está sobrellevando su duelo

NACG Escuelas | Derechos de un Estudiante en Duelo