Bud & Blossom Counseling

Bud & Blossom Counseling

Hope Hub

Children’s Bereavement Center Rio Grande Valley – McAllen

Pediatric Palliative Care Coalition

Cedar Valley Hospice Grief Support

Eucalyptus Tree Program

Hosparus Health Grief Counseling Center

Hosparus Health Grief Counseling Center provides support to anyone in the community coping with a loss due to death. Our program of support includes individual and family counseling, peer-centered support groups, and education programs and events. We believe grief is a normal, expected, and adaptive response to loss. It is also deeply personal, individual, and unique. That you grieve is not a choice. But how you grieve, is! We specialize in helping those coping with loss to create their own unique path forward.

Avow Kids

The Avow Kids® program, designed for children ages 5-17, provides support and companionship to children who are grieving.

The reason might be the loss of a parent, sibling, friend, or relative through illness, accident, deportation, suicide, or homicide.

Additionally, Avow helps children process and heal from other types of loss, including divorce, the loss of a friend, instability in the foster care system, and deployed parents and family members.

Avow Kids groups and activities are open to children everywhere. We hold in-person sessions, workshops and camps in Southwest Florida and online groups open to children and teens worldwide. We have supported children through loss since our founding in 1983, delivering care with a team of professionals experienced children’s loss. There is never a cost for care.


Tamarack Grief Resource Center & A Camp to Remember