
Childhood Bereavement Changemaker Info-Session


Click here to download the slides → In 2019, Judi’s House/JAG Institute (JH/JAG) launched the Childhood Bereavement Changemaker (CBC) initiative to empower bereavement partners to use data to inform decision-making and enhance impact. With philanthropic support provided by the New York Life Foundation and in collaboration with the National Alliance for Children’s Grief, JH/JAG is […]

Sculpting Solace: Facilitating Grief Work through Sandplay Therapy


Participate in this interactive presentation to deepen your understanding of sandplay as a therapeutic modality in grief work. Through a combination of experiential learning and theoretical insights, discover how the tactile and symbolic hands-on nature of sand play creates profound and transformative space for grief exploration and healing. Presentation will include useful and practical ways […]

Introduction to Grief Support Series | How to Develop and Implement School-Based Grief Support


It is imperative that schools are able to provide grief support to bereaved students to ensure that they are not significantly impacted relationally, academically, or emotionally. When adequate grief support is not provided, it can lead to long-term relationship, academic, and career functioning disruptions. School-based grief support allows schools to support their students and staff […]

Effective Story Telling in Grant Writing


This webinar will share strategies for writing fundable grants through connected narratives that effectively outline your proposals. Appropriate for beginners, attendees will: Learn strategies for writing with clarity within the word count Understand how to connect across questions to tell a unified, compelling story. Know how to use financial data to support their narrative.   […]

Introduction to Grief Support Series | The Invisibility of Child Sibling Bereavement


Despite its significant occurrence, sibling bereavement is the most understudied area of bereavement. This session will examine why the sibling relationship is so important, the effects of sibling death across the different stages of childhood, and interventions to help children who have had a sibling die. Also discussed will be how a child’s concept of […]

Cultivating inclusivity for children and all abilities in funeral planning and participation


The process of planning a funeral is a multifaceted endeavor involving significant considerations such as cultural traditions, accessibility, religious/ spiritual beliefs, communities, and the ability to derive meaning from the experience (Causadias et al., 2022). It is imperative to create an age-appropriate, death-positive conversation which can then expand participation to include often marginalized communities such […]

Introduction to Grief Support Series | Homicide Loss 101


Homicide loss brings up complex emotions, challenges, and experiences that often complicate the grief process for individuals, children, and families. Persons experiencing homicide loss must navigate the legal system, potentially stigmatizing situations, and cultural factors in addition to the factors that come with a grief event. Through this presentation, we will discuss unique challenges, the […]

Silent Suffering: Supporting Youth Grieving Stigmatized Loss


This session will focus on supporting individuals who have experienced a stigmatized loss, including loss by suicide, homicide, and addiction. Presenters will review grief occurrence data for children and youth, along with practical understandings of relevant grief theories to guide practice with this bereaved population. As stigmatized loss is often accompanied by feelings of shame, […]

Compassion Fatigue in the Death Industry


While the value of compassion in deathcare has gained increased attention, it remains a neglected focus of training. Vicarious trauma leading to compassion fatigue is changing the way professionals think about self-care. Participants will explore how repeat exposure to traumatic deaths coupled with the constant output of empathy can affect their cognition and emotional balance, […]

Data and Evaluation Training Series #5: Evaluation Design and Analysis


Download the Slides → Given limited resources and stretched capacity, data collection procedures and program evaluation strategies at the individual program level often fall short in terms of identifying gaps in service, areas for growth, and program impact. Today, philanthropic giving demands a quantifiable return on investment in exchange for donations and grants. Combining nearly […]

Compassionate Leadership: Moving in and Through Difficult Conversations in the Workplace


Compassionate leadership shines a light on strengths-oriented, wellness-centered, trauma-informed practices as the foundation for our communications and organizational culture. This workshop will explore interpersonal and organizational strategies to enhance workplace wellness and collaboration, including leadership styles and how they impact our work, ideas for constructively giving and receiving feedback, and how to build a culture […]