
2022 Data and Evaluation Training Series #4: Program Evaluation Planning


Click here to view the slides → This session is part of the 2022 Data and Evaluation Training Series. To view the other sessions, click on the title below. Session 1: Data Basics Session 2: Program Evaluation Basics Session 3: Theory of Change This session - Session 4: Program Evaluation Planning This workshop on Evaluation […]

The Intersection of Domestic Violence and the Grieving Process of Children


Children who experience domestic violence are impacted at every level of their wellness. They can lose a caregiver or sibling(s) through separation, housing stability, and even the feeling of safety, security, and belonging, all contributing to a child’s grief. This grief may be initially overlooked or dismissed as adults focus on establishing safety and meeting […]

Courageous Well-being: Strategies for Personal and Professional Renewal


Coping and self-confidence in your work require taking the time to understand the evidence-based literature and use effective strategies to enhance your well-being, find meaning in your work and discover joy and support in relationships. This session will explore the essence of courageous well-being. Based on evidence-based strategies, attendees will explore nontraditional approaches to minimize […]

2023 Data and Evaluation Training Series #1: Data Basics


This session is part of the 2023 Data and Evaluation Training Series, to view the other sessions, click on the title below. This session - Session 1: Data Basics Session 2: Program Evaluation Basics Session 3: Theory of Change Session 4: Program Evaluation Planning Given limited resources and stretched capacity, data collection procedures and program […]

Facilitating Parent and Caregiver Support Groups


Many children’s bereavement centers and programs across the United States offer concurrent support groups for parents and caregivers that are typically held during the same time as children and teen grief support groups are being offered. This presentation will cover practical tips for facilitating grief support groups for parents, caregivers, and other adults. Best practices […]

2023 Data and Evaluation Training Series #2: Program Evaluation Basics


Download the slides HERE → Given limited resources and stretched capacity, data collection procedures and program evaluation strategies at the individual program level often fall short in terms of identifying gaps in service, areas for growth, and program impact. Today, philanthropic giving demands a quantifiable return on investment in exchange for donations and grants. Combining […]

Courageous Well-Being Continued: Putting Theory into Practice


This 60-minute session will build on the concepts presented in the first webinar, Courageous Well-Being, Finding New Pathways to Personal and Professional Renewal. As professionals and volunteers working with bereaved children and families, you are well aware of the challenges of your work — vicarious trauma and grief, burnout, empathetic distress, and work/life balance. It […]

Introduction to Grief Support Series | Grief 101 for the New Practitioner


This webinar is part of an ongoing series that will provide a foundation of introductory information for anyone working with or providing support to children, teens, and families who may be grieving. This series is not progressive; sessions can be viewed in any order. Ms. Phillips will present the foundation for grief therapy with children […]

Changes in Childhood Bereavement Prevalence in the Wake of the Pandemic: CBEM Key Topic Report 2023


  Click here to download the slides → The COVID-19 pandemic devastated public welfare worldwide, bringing excess deaths and moving bereavement to the front page. Before the pandemic, Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model (CBEM) prevalence rates reflected an annual average of more than 260,000 children under 18 becoming newly bereaved due to a parent’s death. In […]

Needs Assessment Training Series #1: Community Assessment Overview


This is the first of a 3-part Needs Assessment training webinar series, along with accompanying technical assistance. The sessions are meticulously designed to equip participants with a solid foundational understanding to successfully engage in and complete an initial needs assessment process. Comprised of three comprehensive sessions, this training series aims to provide a holistic knowledge […]

2023 Data and Evaluation Training Series #3: Theory of Change


  Download the slides here → This workshop on Theory of Change will focus on how organizations can define their program model and why going through a theory of change process, including creating a logic model, is the first step in developing evaluation and data collection plans. Presenters will provide key information on what theory […]