Connect, Build, and Grow! Combing group work, play therapy and Lego building to explore grief
ZoomDiscover how building Legos can also build social-emotional well-being! This interactive workshop focuses on the use of Lego-based therapeutic interventions for exploring grief. Participants will learn about the “Skillful Builders” model and will explore the benefits of group play therapy to better understand and cope with grief. Participants will also learn therapeutic techniques for implementing […]
Exploring the Role of Social Media in Child and Adolescent Grief
ZoomSocial media is an integral part of almost everyone’s life today, especially children and adolescents. This form of connection can digitally put them in contact with others who may share their thoughts and feelings when physical contact is not wanted or available. These connections can provide much-needed support for a child or adolescent who is […]
2022 Data and Evaluation Training Series #2: Program Evaluation Basics Live Interactive Webinar
ZoomGiven limited resources and stretched capacity, data collection procedures and program evaluation strategies at the individual program level often fall short in terms of identifying gaps in service, areas for growth, and program impact. Today, philanthropic giving demands a quantifiable return on investment in exchange for donations and grants. Combining nearly 20 years of experience […]
Rebuilding & Reengaging: School-Based Grief Support Post Pandemic Live Interactive Webinar
ZoomWe know the impact that COVID-19 has had on students' social development, mental health, and academic progress. This experience has also significantly changed how our schools operate. Schools with high levels of grief that need support have competing priorities and limited staff capacity. This presentation will identify some of the various barriers to school-based grief […]
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Webinar
ZoomWe know that grandparents enter situations of raising grandchildren for many different reasons including but not limited to drug use, overdose, and death of one or both parents. Please join us to hear from a panel of grandparents who are currently raising grandchildren. Hear from them about their success, their challenges, and advice that they […]
When Hearts are Stretched: Fostering Compassion Resilience Amidst a Pandemic Live Interactive Webinar
ZoomFor many care providers, filling your own metaphorical cup is easier said than done. The spark that draws us to our work can begin to dim when faced with daily pressures and the mounting stress among our teams. Workplace dynamics, time pressures, personal stressors, and repeated immersion in tough stories can take a toll. Then […]
Write Your Heart Out: Self Expression to cope with grief, loss, trauma, & stress Live Interactive Webinar
ZoomThe W.H.O. recently reported COVID-19 pandemic has caused a 25% increase in the prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide and called for all countries to step up mental health services and support. Additionally, the coronavirus and the public health measures designed to prevent its spread have been shown to have had a profound negative effect […]
Childhood Bereavement: Understanding Prevalence by Cause of Death Live Interactive Webinar
ZoomView the slides HERE According to the 2022 Childhood Bereavement Estimation Model (CBEM) 7.7% of U.S. youth will experience the death of a sibling or parent before they reach age 18. This is an underestimate, as it excludes countless deaths of other significant figures in a child’s life. A growing body of research indicates that […]
The Rhythm of Emotion: The Use of Music Therapy to Give Voice to Grieving Children & Adolescents
ZoomThis presentation will explore the use of music therapy as a powerful tool for grieving children and adolescents. Participants will have the opportunity to gain information and knowledge about the interconnection between child and adolescent grief and music therapy, discover ways of incorporating music therapy techniques with this population through clinical examples and guided practice, […]
2022 Data and Evaluation Training Series #3: Theory of Change Live Interactive Webinar
ZoomClick here to view the slides → This session is part of the Data and Evaluation Training Series, to view the other sessions: Session 1: Data Basics Session 2: Program Evaluation Basics This session - Session 3: Theory of Change Session 4: Program Evaluation Planning This workshop on Theory of Change will focus on how […]
Centering Intersectionality Within the Field of Childhood Bereavement
ZoomIt is commonly believed that grief is different for everyone and that we should not compare one child’s grief to another’s. Why can grief differ so much from one child to another, even within the same family system? When a child experiences a death loss, adults in their system may attribute a child’s thoughts and […]
Occupational Therapy’s Role in Supporting Children’s Grief: Tools, Sensory Strategies, and When to Refer
ZoomWhen children experience a stressful life event, their nervous systems can have difficulty regulating. Children exhibit grief reactions in various ways that may present similarly to sensory and emotional dysregulation. Occupational therapists can partner with families to provide a holistic mental health approach. This presentation will address the role and benefit of occupational therapy, mental […]